Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Book Club 3: Journals & Memoirs

When looking for books that fell under the journal genre, it was very important that these books met the Iowa Common Core Literacy Standards somewhere along the lines of the grade level the book is being used for.  This is important because information within the book will help cover some of the standards that we as teachers are required to meet with our instruction; it is important we take advantage of tools and resources that help us meet these standards!  Furthermore, I felt it was important that the books I chose met the Iowa Common Core Standards for the subject they were being used for as well, such as social studies.  This is because books I chose would be used for either a read aloud or shared reading with my students.  Also, I plan to have the books placed somewhere within my classroom in a place where students will be able to look through the book on their own.  Any time a book is used, it is important to find books that help students work on the skills that they are required to develop based on the Iowa Common Core Standards.  Some other qualities I looked for within the books I chose to look for were pictures and graphics that appealed to the students, as well as quality information that enhanced student learning and were presented in a way they could easily understand.

While choosing books, I really wanted to focus on books that would have multiple uses within my classroom because I felt it would enhance the information I was presenting to my students.  Also, I felt it would serve as additional resources students could be used to look at problem solving.  With these ideas in mind, I looked for books I felt would be good for read alouds, shared reading, or individual reading for my students.  Second, I looked for books that would challenge my students’ independent level of reading, for my students who read at grade level.  However, there were some books I chose that would challenge my students who were at the lower levels of reading because it is always important to provide resources for students of every reading level within my classroom.  Lastly, and one of the most important things, I chose books that I thought would grab the attention of my students who don’t enjoy reading, as well as those who enjoy reading.  These students continuously struggle to find books they like the read, so it is very important that we find books that allow them to develop an interest in a concept so they can continue to practice and develop important reading strategies.  Along with that, it’s a good idea to provide books that allow student to gain an understanding of background information pertaining to the concept.

Clark, W., Lewis M., Roop P., Roop, C., & Tanner, T. (1993). Off the map: The journals of Lewis and Clark. New York: Walker and Company.
5th grade independent, 3rd-5th grade interest
Lexile 1000L
            Major themes within this book include Lewis and Clark and the development of America.  One of the qualities of this book that I liked was that it appeared to be a fairly easy read.  The text in this book was larger than typical chapter books.  In addition, the pictures within this book assist students in their understanding of the content.  Furthermore, the maps provided in the front and the back of the book provide additional tools for students’ assistance in picturing their travels.  Although there aren’t specifically issues within the book, this book does give students an idea of the struggles these two encountered throughout their journey across uncharted territory.  For students who don’t have background knowledge of Lewis and Clark, they might need some support with background knowledge for these two while reading the book.  Otherwise students reading at a fifth grade level will be able to read with little support.

Solhiem, J., & James, S. (2010). Born yesterday: The diary of a young journalist. New York, NY: Philomel Books.
2nd grade independent
            The major themes within this book are journal entries and life experiences of babies.  One thing I really enjoyed about this book was the pictures.  They were bright colored and provided some humor
without even reading the text.  Just as the pictures add humor, the text within the books provides humor to the book as well.  Because humor is used in this book, students have a strong chance of remaining interested in the book.  Additionally, this book is a great resource for helping students get an idea of what a journal is and how it’s formatted.  This book does not have any connections to any types of issues.  Support students might need would be vocabulary for students of a lower reading level than second grade.

When looking for books that fell under the memoir genre, it was very important that these books met the Iowa Common Core Literacy Standards somewhere along the lines of the grade level the book is being used for.  This is important because information within the book will help cover some of the standards that we as teachers are required to meet with our instruction; it is important we take advantage of tools and resources that help us meet these standards!  Furthermore, I felt it was important that the books I chose met the Iowa Common Core Standards for the subject they were being used for as well, such as social studies.  This is because books I chose would be used for either a read aloud or shared reading with my students.  Also, I plan to have the books placed somewhere within my classroom in a place where students will be able to look through the book on their own.  Any time a book is used, it is important to find books that help students work on the skills that they are required to develop based on the Iowa Common Core Standards.  Some other qualities I looked for within the books I chose to look for were pictures and graphics that appealed to the students, as well as quality information that enhanced student learning and were presented in a way they could easily understand.

While choosing books, I really wanted to focus on books that would have multiple uses within my classroom because I felt it would enhance the information I was presenting to my students.  Also, I felt it would serve as additional resources students could be used to look at problem solving.  With these ideas in mind, I looked for books I felt would be good for read alouds, shared reading, or individual reading for my students.  Second, I looked for books that would challenge my students’ independent level of reading, for my students who read at grade level.  However, there were some books I chose that would challenge my students who were at the lower levels of reading because it is always important to provide resources for students of every reading level within my classroom.  Lastly, and one of the most important things, I chose books that I thought would grab the attention of my students who don’t enjoy reading, as well as those who enjoy reading.  These students continuously struggle to find books they like the read, so it is very important that we find books that allow them to develop an interest in a concept so they can continue to practice and develop important reading strategies.  Along with that, it’s a good idea to provide books that allow student to gain an understanding of background information pertaining to the concept.

Hillman, L. (2005). I will plant you a lilac tree: A memoir of a Schindler’s list survivor. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
High School Independent reading
            Major themes within this book include the Holocaust, concentration camps, and WWII.  Although this book is at an independent level for high school students, I feel that this book would still be able to be used as a read aloud for fifth grade and middle school students because it provides some good information and an inside look of a person who went through the Holocaust.  The pages within this book are small and contain large text.  From a read aloud stand point for elementary, the text is easy to understand if students have the proper prior knowledge to understand the concepts.  Furthermore, this book makes connections between global issues: the Holocaust and WWII.  If this book is used as a read aloud for elementary, students will most likely need support while reading this book due to the vocabulary used throughout the book.

Marx, T., & Karp, C. (2000). One boy from Kosovo. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books.
4th-5th grade

            One Boy from Kosovo features the main themes of refuges, violence in foreign countries, and the country of Kosovo.  This book features real pictures that also have captions that provide additional understandings of the concepts depicted through the pictures.  Furthermore, this book has large texts that
provide pronunciations within the text for words students may not understand or know.  Additionally, this book provides background knowledge about the country of Kosovo before it went into discussing the boy’s life.  Global issues that students can create a connection with include violence in the Middle East.  Since this book provides background knowledge about Kosovo, students might only need support when it comes to the discussion on violence in the Middle East.

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